Goal and Life


A position or destination which a person wants to achieve or reach.

Goal helps discover the route of our journey.

Achieving the goals is temporary. What makes the larger portion of goal is the journey. So are the happiness attached to them.

We normally fail to enjoy the journey while completely focusing on achieving the goal. The excessive focus on goal without caring for the journey itself makes the goal inaccessible. Ultimately what we do in the journey makes the foundation for the goal.

A mind occupied with overwhelming ideas of mere reaching the goal is vulnerable to stress and unnecessary thoughts. Negative thoughts may crop in.  The person starts losing the self confidence. He / she find even very small work difficult to do. In single stroke, one may lead oneself into a pathetic situation. The journey suffers. Life becomes stagnated. Goal turns into something beyond our reach.

What needs to do?

Having a goal is good. But making it the life itself is never a good idea. Taking even a small step towards the goal and celebrating it is the only way to reach the goal. It secures strong Foundation for the goal. Further, the life becomes smooth Cakewalk full of enjoyment and happiness.

The purpose of the life is not to achieve goals after goals but to live it to the maximum. However, role of goals in bringing out that maximum potential from within us cannot be neglected.

Life is not what we think it should be. It is a product of various factors interacting in the manner unknown to any person. In mathematical terms, we have so many variables but limited number of equations to solve them. What we have to do in such condition is mere interpolation. Solutions may come or may not. We may succeed in single efforts or it may take huge efforts to achieve the goal. Chances are also that goal remains inaccessible.

In such scenario, our resolution to halt our lives until we reach our goal is unreasonable and hence unacceptable. The observation that we have only one life and unlimited desires (goals) details the foolishness behind such halting.

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