…towards the liberty I want in my life

 Life – a perspective

We all want to have a life that is only driven by our wishes. We do not want to hand over the reins of our lives to others. But we have to. Most of us fall prey to whims of factors unknown to us. These compel us to live a life of subjugation. The subjugating masters could be any – individual aspirations, financial constraints, other humans, family needs, social ethos, cultural traditions, professional pressures, work environment and so on. In normal cases, we give up and accept the subjugation citing it as a destiny. We start living a stressful life when it does not move as per our wishes.

Are we destined for the same fate? Can we achieve a life worth living far from unnecessary pressures? If so, how?

Wisdom of human race across the world answer these questions in affirmation. A simple statement that tells about the path towards maximum living is Chain Oneself. 

Chain Yourself

Though it appears contradictory, it is the truth. We need to chain ourselves with a number of conditions shaping our lives. Let us have a look how important these chains are.

Chaining ourselves with time through self-discipline is the most basic need for a better living. All the successes and failures are greatly linked with how we have used the time in the past. Our lives more or less remain constrained by shortage of various resources. But the difficulty and pain are less for those who know how to budget their resources and use it accordingly. Similarly, success of a project depends on how well it is planned and how well one remains stuck to the plan during its execution.

We also find similar positive constraints that have shaped human civilization. Many times we find our relations irritating or restraints in achieving our personal  goals. But are these not the same relations that come to our rescue when we are in crisis. Was it possible for human race to evolve the way it has done, had it not worked in collaboration among themselves?

Chains are as important as our lives are. They may appear as constraints for our personal aspirations and needs,but they are not always the same. We need to change our perspectives towards them. Perhaps, they may be vital in search of the liberty that we look for.


This blog tries to express my perspectives in search of answers to the asked questions in early paragraphs. Its scope is as wide as I can see through the life. However, the content is as limited as my own knowledge is. Thus, any of my perspectives can be false and is subject to rejection but in a rational manner.

While inquiring these questions I find following things as major stakeholders in shaping our lives: Ego, Success, Satisfaction, Self Discipline, Relations etc. This blog thus tries to inquire on these factors and help me answer the asked questions.

The contents in this web-page are mere reflection of what I think of life. The purpose of writing this blog is to acquaint myself with my inner self and powerful ideas that dominates it. I am willing to bring forth these disguised ideas that are unable to get due attention of mine. The discovery, I think,  will help me identify the type of life I want to have. Perhaps, it will lead me there too.So, the intended audience is me only. But if you too find it beneficial, it will be an additional bonus to me.

Living the Life the way we want